May 1, 2013

Great Responsibilities…

Luke 12:48b (KJV) says, “…For unto whomsoever much is given , of him shall be much required : and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.”

I have heard this quoted several times.  But this verse came to my mind last night and I thought that I would use it as the focus of my personal bible Study time this morning. 

The Message translation says, “Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities!”

The NIRV says, “Much will be required of everyone who has been given much. Even more will be asked of the person who is supposed to take care of much.”

Last night at our ladies meeting, our Pastor’s Wife spoke to us about being a tumbleweed (dry, dull, scratchy, bad attitudes, etc…) or being beautiful May Flowers (modest, beautiful attitudes, smiling, etc…).  She also pointed out that we have little eyes that watch us and that we need to lead by example. 

Whether you have children or not, there is always someone watching to see how you handle life’s situations.  Even MORE so if you are in a place of leadership.  Being in leadership is not about being the LEADER and being the “One is charge”.  It is about leading by example.  Those under you will not follow if your life does not exemplify what God expects out of His children.  For example, we have set rules in our home for the kids to follow.  They are expected to obey those rules.  If they choose not to, their actions will be dealt with accordingly.   In the same manner, God has laid out principles in His Word for us to follow.  As His children, we are expected to follow them.  And, if we choose not to follow them, there are consequences.

But, the thing that keeps coming to my mind is that as leaders, we have a lot of requirements.  A requirement is something necessary, indispensable, or unavoidable.  It is necessary for us to follow the Word of God.  It is indispensable (impossible to do without) God in every aspect of our lives.  And, it is unavoidable that if we fail to heed to the Word of God, there will eventually be consequences for our actions. 

As leaders, we have a lot that rests on our shoulders.  But, it doesn’t have to be a burden.  Like the says goes, “If you live for God easy, it will be hard.  BUT, if you live for God (with everything that is within you), it will be easy.” 

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