May 2, 2013

He's Got Center Stage!

Isaiah 42:8 (NIV) says, "I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols."

In a world full of those who want all the attention or to get the glory, praise or power for what "they've" done, one thing STILL stands.  And quite frankly, it will always be the case.  GOD is the ONLY one who has all power and gets all the glory and praise.  There may be some who have "assumed" the center stage in life...but when it is all said and done, God will show us all that HE is the only one to have center stage.   No matter what the situation, He will have the last word.  

I don't know about  any of you, but that excites me.  My God...full of such awesome the same God who watches over me & my family day and night.  He is the same God who provides our EVERY need.  He is the same God who commands His angels to watch over us.  And, I will gladly let Him take the center stage in my life.  May His glory & power radiate from our lives.  ♥ 

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