August 15, 2012

Re-post from World Network of Prayer...

IF MY PEOPLE....  "Withstanding the Fire"

"IF my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; THEN will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." (II Chronicles 7:14)

 I have displayed the photo again, that was featured in the previous Prayer Connect, of the WNOP miracle sign that withstood the recent wildfire that swept through Creek County, OK. I would like to emphatically illustrate an allegory, that in the midst of the symbolic fires of ungodly conditions causing degradation and destruction in society, God's people can stand firmly grounded to "withstand the fire" that attempts to sweep over us and burn away the principles and laws established in His Word among us. This can be accomplished in part as we, the Church, implement the words recorded in II Chronicles 7:14, and also stand in the gap for a lost and dying humanity.

A principal key to revival is found in this scriptural passage. Notice, that the verse includes a conditional phrase. In logic, a conditional (implication) phrase is a compound statement formed by combining two sentences (or facts) using the words "IF ... THEN." The conditional links two statements in the following way: If the first statement is true, then the second statement is true as well. Applicably, the focal scripture is expressed in a basic format of the "IF...THEN" statement, and IF "my people" meet the outlined conditions, THEN God will...bless them!

II Chronicles 7:14 is an address to God's people (those called by His name, proclaiming Him as the true God, and accepting the invitation) that is recorded historically as a spiritual revelation given to king Solomon of Israel after God appeared to him relaying that He heard his prayer and chose the dedicated temple as a place for Himself as a house of sacrifice. At that time Biblically the nation of Israel was destined towards a divided kingdom that would enter into rebellion and idolatry, finding them in a place where this scripture would have a definite application. As a general application, this scripture contains a remedy that can be used by God's people to avert God's anger and judgment and usher in a time of God's blessing. Pray that God's people obey:

A Call to Preparation (Humble Themselves)
A Call to Prayer (Pray)
A Call to Pursuit (Seek My Face)
A Call to Purity (Turn From Their Wicked Ways)

Though genuine revival is always sovereign in its origin, IF the contingent requirements are met, THEN God's people can help to create an atmosphere in which spiritual rewards will be reaped:

God will Hear Us (Hear From Heaven)
God will Help Us (Forgive Their Sin)
God will Heal Us (Heal Their Land)

Even historically, prayer has played an important role in American heritage as many of our nation's forefathers and leaders have turned to prayer for strength, inspiration, and solidarity. In the midst of economic crisis and uncertainty it is essential that we fervently intercede for our nation. For, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD" (Psalm 33:12). God can raise up a standard in this nation and "revive His work in the midst of us." God desires to heal our land, as well as to give us land upon the earth and claim territory for Him, as Abraham did, wherever he laid the soles of His feet (Genesis 13:17). Surely, "IF We will...THEN God will!"Let's activate the three key words for revival. "IF MY PEOPLE..." THEN, the history!

Flo Shaw
International Coordinator
World Network of Prayer  

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