July 18, 2012

Knowing & Serving God

1 Chronicles 28:9 (KJV), "And thou, Solomon my son, know thou the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind: for the LORD searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts: if thou seek him, he will be found of thee; but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off for ever."   In this chapter, David is talking to his son, Solomon, about how God has chosen him to be the next ruler over the people.  But, as I read it this afternoon, I thought how beneficial advise this is to us also.  

First, He is instructed to know God.  We need to grasp an understanding of WHO He is and WHAT He is capable of doing.  He is an all powerful God with whom ALL things are possible.  The is no valley too low nor a mountain too High for Him.  Whatever we are faced with, He has the answer.

Secondly, He was told to serve God with a perfect heart and a willing mind.  To serve God is to do a work for Him.  The word 'perfect' in this verse means "to be at peace", according to the Hebrew Lexicon.  And, the word 'willing' means "to take delight in".   We need to have the heart/mind of a servant that is at peace and takes delight in serving God.    

God searches all hearts/minds.  He understands how we think.  He knows the plans we make and why we do the things we do.  And, if we turn those thoughts and our heart/mind toward seeking HIM...we can know assuredly that we WILL find Him.  But, if we forsake Him, we will be lost and separated from His blessing and power in our lives.

Can you imagine what an impact we could make in our world if we just grasp these two simple concepts?  If we could grasp a hold of the fact that He IS all powerful.  Sometimes we think that God isn't interested in the   little things in our lives.  In Matthew 10 it talks about how that when a sparrow falls, God sees and knows.  But, we are more important to Him than the sparrow.  He knows absolutely everything about us and what we go through and what our thoughts are in any given situation.  And, when we call upon His name, Jesus, it catches His attention and He is compelled to do something about it.  Also, if we can get in the habit of being a servant, it can usher in a joy into our lives that we've never experienced.   ♥

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