January 21, 2008

My Compass - The Word Of God

A compass is a navigational instrument used for finding direction on earth.b-com Whether you are traveling by boat, car or foot, a compass can come in very handy. A compass uses the earth magnetic field to find the magnetic north pole. The little magnetic needle inside the compass always points to the magnetic north pole.

Just as the magnetic north pole never changes, the Word of God never changes. It will always points you in the right direction. It has the extraordinary power to attract you to Jesus.

The Word of God is the inspired words of God (2 Tim. 3:16). In Malachi 3:6, God says that He does not change. Hebrews 13:8 says that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. There is song that says, "What He is will never change. He is truth and truth remains. What He is will never change". Hebrews 6:18 says that it is impossible for God to lie. That tells me that His Word is truth. And since He does not change, neither does his Word.

The Word of God will always point us to truth. It will always point us to His will for our lives. It will always point us to HIM.

The Word of God is our compass. You would not think of taking an adventurous hiking trip in a range of mountains that you have never been to before without a map and compass. So, why face the unknown territory of this our lives without the Word of God? Life is an adventure. Be prepared for the unknown that lies ahead by using the compass He has given you...The Word of God!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written. Oh how I love God's Word! One of my many 'favorite' verses goes something like this...."the entrance of thy Word bringeth light..." His Word is a compass and the illumination we need to lighten the path His compass directs.

Enjoyed this post.
