May 8, 2014

Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due...

~ John Maxwell said, "Leadership is influence." As leaders and/or parents, how are we influencing those around us?  Are we relying on how good it makes us look?  Or are we realizing that anything good that comes from us is because of the ONE that influences us?  Romans 11:36 (NLT) says, "For everything comes from him; everything exists by his power and is intended for his glory. To him be glory evermore. Amen."   One thing I want to remember and instill in my children is that "It is all about HIM!"  Nothing good will come to anything by my own doing.  But, through Him and in Him I can be successful and effective.  I don't ever want to take credit for something that He does in my life or in the lives of my children.  Yes, he may use me to do something great in their lives, but it ultimately is ALL about HIM.  Acts 17:28 (NIRV) says, "In him we live and move and exist. As some of your own poets have also said, 'We are his children."  I want to be a conduit for HIS glory.  Like Vesta Mangun has said, "A conduit, can do it."  I am HIS child and He can use me to do great things.   But, I always want to remember to give Him the credit for any successes in my life.  Because in my "book", He deserves ALL the glory, honor & praise.  ♥ 

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