April 16, 2014

Trust HIM with the "whys"!

So, yesterday morning I awoke like any other day.  Every thing seemed perfectly "normal".  At least normal for me.  But, when I sat down to eat, I had this extremely pain in my throat and noticed that my tonsil was swollen.  By afternoon my tonsil had swollen up to about twice its normal size.  After going to the Night Clinic in town, it was deduced that I had mild tonsillitis.  So, I will be drinking lots of water, taking ibuprofen for the pain and eating soft foods/soup for the next few days.  I could VERY easily get all uptight about it all.  I mean let's face it, "ain't nobody got time for that"!   We have Easter Drama practice Monday & Tuesday night.  Church Wednesday,  I leave on Thursday morning with the Youth for Holiday Youth Convention (we come back on Saturday), Saturday evening is a Drama Run-through, Sunday is Easter.  But, as I began to run this all over in my mind, I started to think about it differently.  For one, I'm not contagious because is not viral tonsillitis.  For another, Psalm 34:1 is a reminder that I need to have a different kind of attitude with my circumstances.  

Psalm 34:1 (KJV) says, "I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth."  It doesn't say bless Him only when my circumstances are "ideal"... or only when I feel like it... or when I totally understand why something is happening a certain way.  NO, it says, "I WILL bless the Lord at ALL times"!  This is not always easy to do.  Sometimes we are faced with circumstances that leave us questioning a lot of "whys".  Why is this happening to me?  Why does this have to happen now?  Why? Why? Why?  Though I do not profess to be a "Spiritual Guru", one thing I have learned over the years is to trust God with the "whys".  

Several years ago, at the age of 34, my Sister-in-law passed away.  It was a very difficult time for our family.  She was seemingly healthy.  But, nevertheless, she died suddenly from MRSA, a very bad staph infection.  I went through the normal "whys".  But, God began to deal with me.  He began to nudge me closer in the direction of trusting Him.  Reminding me of Ecclesiastes 3:1, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."  He begin to speak to me about trusting Him in everything, trusting His judgment on the circumstances in my life.  Was it easy?  No, but it made it easier to deal with everything because I knew that He had my back.  That no matter what I faced, He had it all under control.

There will be times in our lives that things do not logically make sense to us.  And, we want to question "why".  But, if we could just get into the habit of praying, "God, I don't understand the "why".  To me, this logically does not make sense.  BUT, nevertheless, I trust YOUR judgement.  I trust that you ARE in control and that you've got this."  This doesn't mean that everything will be "peaches & cream" from now on.  It just means that it will be a whole lot easier to handle knowing that the Almighty God of the Universe is in control.  And, whatever we face goes through His mighty hands first.  SO, trust Him with the "whys"... He's got this!  ♥

I am reminded of a song:  He Will Carry You, sung by the Gaither Vocal Band

"There is no problem too big

God cannot solve it
There is no mountain too tall
God cannot move it

There is no storm too dark
God cannot calm it
There is no sorrow too deep
He cannot soothe it

Oh, if He carries the weight of the world upon His shoulders
I know my brother that He will carry you
Oh, if He carries the weight of the world upon His shoulders
I know my sister that He will carry you"

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