April 21, 2014

Psalm 119

Psalm 119:1, " Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD."

As I sat outside this morning enjoying the cool temperature, the birds singing and the peacefulness of my beautiful backyard that God has blessed me with, I opened up my Bible to Psalm 119.  Psalms is one of my favorite books to read from in the Word of God.  In my NKJV Study Bible it said this about the verse above:  The Hebrew word torah, translated law, basically means "instruction" or direction"...The Law was never designed as a means of salvation; no one could be saved by keeping it.  The Lord gave His law to people whom He had already established a covenantal relationship.  Instead, the Law was the means for Israelites, to learn how to live as God's holy people.  The psalmists consistently describes the Law of God as a great blessing, for it was God's gracious revelation to His people for there own good.   In the Law, God mercifully pointed out the right path to follow. 

My Study Bible also points out synonyms for certain words throughout this chapter.  
law = usually refers to the first five books of the Old Testament
testimonies = ordinances; God's standards of conduct according to the 10 Commandments
way = the pattern of life required by God's law
precepts = injunction; commandment; requirement
statutes = things inscribed; enacted laws
commandments = a distinct, authoritative order
judgement = a binding law; judicial decision 
word = a general term for God's revelation

Psalm 119 starts out in verse 1:  "blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord".  Or... Blessed are those that are complete, whole, entire, sound in the journey that they are on, they walk in the direction and instruction of Jehovah, the existing One.  As God leads us through His Word, we must learn to follow His direction and instruction.  In doing so, we will be complete and have sound, godly judgement. 

Verse 2 goes on to say, "Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with the whole heart."  Or... Blessed are those that keep His ordinances or standards of conduct (to the Word of God), those who seek Him with the WHOLE heart.  You have to be willing to give God 100%...even if that means giving up somethings along the way.  

As I used the synonyms above when I began reading, I saw the verses in a whole new way.   I began to apply them personally.  I began to pray them into existence.   I encourage anyone to try reading Psalm 119 in this manner.   God's Word clearly marks out some boundaries for us to follow.  And learning to apply them to our lives is so important.  Psalm 119 encourages us to live a life that is acceptable to God Almighty.  

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