March 7, 2013

His Appointment.

I read something today that said, "Feeling disappointment?  Replace the "D" with an "H" and it becomes His (God's) appointment."  I love this. I firmly believe that there is an appointed time and reason for everything that we face. There is a purpose for every trial we face. 

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines appointment as, "the state or fact of being chosen for a position or duty." God CHOSE you to go through your trial. Though we may not understand the whys of it all, we can look to HIM and ask "How do YOU want me to handle this?" He's already promised to be there for us...He's already promised us the strength we need...He's already promised us peace. He equips us with everything that we need. So trust Him that His appointment will work out in a way that brings about victory and good into our lives. ♥ 

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