October 10, 2012

I am His Sheep ~ He Is My Shepherd

John 10:27-28 (KJV), "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." The Message Translation says, "My sheep recognize my voice. I know them, and they follow me. I give them real and eternal life. They are protected from the Destroyer for good. No one can steal them from out of my hand." 

When I read this verse, I decide to look up what some characteristics of sheep were.  Here is what I found (@ wikianswers.com):
1. timid, fearful, easily panicked
2. dumb stupid, gullible
3. very vulnerable to fear, frustration, pests, hunger
4. easily influenced by a leader, by the shepherd
5. stampede easily, vulnerable to mob psychology
6. little or no means of self-defense; can only run
7. easily killed by enemies
8. the shepherd is most effective, calming influence
9. jealous, competitive for dominance
10. constantly need fresh water, fresh pasture
11. have very little discernment in choosing food or water
12. best water source is early morning dew
13. perverse, stubborn - will insist on their own way , even eating poisonous
plants or drinking dirty water
14. easily "cast" - flipped over on their back, unable to right themselves
will die of starvation if not turned over by shepherd; helpless
15. frequently look for easy places to rest
16. don't like to be sheared, cleaned
17. too much wool can cause sheep to be easily "cast"
18. creatures of habit; get into "ruts"
19. need the most care of all livestock
20. need to be "on the move"; need a pre-determined plan, pattern of grazing
21. totally dependent of shepherd for every need
22. need "rod and staff" guidance

Now, read back over those and think about why Jesus so often compared us to sheep.  We can be like sheep in many ways!  As sheep, we can be easily influenced, especially by the Shepherd when we have a desire to follow Him.  And, He can calm us during the stressful and trying times. 

We constantly are in need of fresh water and fresh pasture...That where daily prayer and reading the Word of God comes into our lives.  And, like it says above the best water source is the early morning dew.  The best time for prayer and reading/studying the Word is in the early morning.  It is great way to start the day off right. 

Sheep don't like to be sheared and cleaned.  In like manner, we don't like to be corrected or redirected sometimes.  But, as the Great Shepherd, He knows what is best for us and He has a plan for our lives.  We can trust that He will lead and guide us down the right paths.  

Too much wool can cause a sheep to be "cast" or flipped over on their back and unable to right themselves.  When we get collect so much unnecessary "stuff", our hearts can become bogged down and our vision can become blurred...making it difficult to get ourselves back on the right paths.  

Sheep are creatures of habit and can get into "ruts".  Wow!  That really describes us!  Humans are creatures of habit.  We can get into a rut and get stuck doing the same things over and over, thus getting bored and complacent.  Get involved in working in the church.  Keep up with your prayer and reading the Word.  If you have to, force yourself to get up and get into it.  

Sheep are jealous and competitive for dominance.  They stampede easily, vulnerable to mob psychology.  And, they are easily killed by enemies.  These characteristics remind me of how sometimes things get between people in the church.  These things cause division.  Psalm 133:1 (ASV) says, " Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity!"  We cannot allow jealous, mob mentality or the unkind words of others cause division in our our hearts, homes, marriages and church.

One of my favorite characteristics listed above is that sheep are totally dependent upon the shepherd for every need.  That is where John 10:27-28 comes it.  When we trust Him and become totally dependent upon Him for our every need, we will become accustomed to the sound of His voice and we will hear it and listen or heed to it.  And then we will follow His leading easily and without doubting.  And, when we do this, we are promised eternal life.  And on top of that, He will protect us from the enemy and we shall not be taken from His protective, all-powerful hand! 

I am so thankful to be a part of His sheepfold.  I am SO thankful to call Him MY shepherd.  I want to hear His voice and follow Him.  For in my opinion, there is no other place I'd rather be than safe and protected in the care of the Great Shepherd!

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