June 21, 2012

Saturated With God

God has an awesome, tailor-made plan for our lives.  But if we cannot gain control of our temptations, urges and weaknesses, we will end up destroying ourselves because of the lack of restraint and discipline.  We need to ask God to help us with our weaknesses and empower us to do what is right.  We have got to want HIS will for our lives more than anything else.  When we seek Him first, everything will fall into place according to His plan for our lives. 

Matthew 6:33 (KJV) says, " But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."  The Message translation says, "Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met."  The Message says to "steep your life..."  When I read this, I wondered what does it mean to steep?  According to the Merriam-Webster, to steep means to "to saturate with or subject thoroughly to".  I just love that!  I want to saturate and thoroughly subject my life to God!  

I want to saturate my life with God-reality.  Reality is something that actually exists.  It is certain, prevalent, genuine and truthful.  With Him, there is not facade.  There is no fiction.  There is no void or emptiness.  I want my walk with Him to be genuine.  I am certain of the fact that I am HIS child.  And, in Him, I will not lack anything that I need.  With Him, I will not be empty.

I want to saturate my life with God-initiative.  Initiative is readiness to engage in daring or difficult activity.  It is having ambition, vigor, and strength.  It is being useful and effective.    He gives me the strength in my body and mind to face any situation.  He equips me with the necessary weapons to fight the battles I face.  He has placed a desire in my heart to eagerly move forward into the plan He has for me.  He can mold me into a useful and effective vessel for His glory.

I want to saturate my life with God-provisions.  Provisions involves the process of providing.  And, it is also the fact or state of being prepared beforehand.  Also, it can be the stock of needed materials or supplies.  I want my life to be saturated with His provisions.  Philippians 4:19 says, "But my God shall supply ALL your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."  He prepares me beforehand for any circumstances that I encounter.  He is well able to supply me with anything that I need. 

I do not have to worry about missing out on life.  He is everything that I need.  Yeah, things do not always go the way I want or how I think that they should be going.  But, with Him I am completely satisfied.  He is in control.  And, everything that I need is supplied.  Whether it is an emotional, physical or spiritual need, He has the answer.  He has never failed me yet.  I am SO thankful that in an insecure and unstable world, I have the security and stability that I need in Him! ♥

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