June 23, 2012

"Now" Faith

Faith is such a powerful thing.  The Word of God has some great stories about those who has great faith.  Abraham has faith in Genesis 22 that God will provide a sacrifice in place of his son.  Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy records the faith of Moses.  Exodus, numbers and Joshua mentions the faith of Joshua.  And, we cannot forget the story of Esther in the book of Esther.  Then, there is the story of the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15.  Or, how about the Roman Soldier in Luke 7?  I could go on and on because the Word of God is full of good stories of faith.  

Jesus talked about how faith could move mountains in the book of Matthew.  Sometimes, trials come my way and they seem to tower over me to great heights.  Other times, they seem to come by the boatload, one after the other.  But, one thing I have learned over the years is that a strong, great faith in God can change my outlook and the outcome of my circumstances.  Oh, unfavorable things may still stake place that I cannot change, but I can change my reaction to them and how I look at them.  

Hebrews 11:1 is a well known scripture that most people have heard or even memorized.  The KJV says, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for , the evidence of things not seen."  In this verse, now is conjunction that means because  or considering.  But, for a moment I would like to consider the other definitions of the word.  Now can also mean "at the present time or moment".  Or, it can also mean "keenly aware of and responsive to the latest developments".   The word substance in this verse, according to the Greek Lexicon, is from a compound word that means "a setting or placing under and the steadfastness of mind, firmness, courage, resolution, confidence, firm trust, assurance."  SO, I like to think of this verse in this way:  At the present moment, in the midst of my circumstances, I am clearly aware of the fact that though I do not see where these circumstances are taking me, I have a faith that puts them under my feet and helps me use them have courage, steadfastness of mind, confidence in His abilities, and fully to trust Him more and more.  

I want to have "now" faith.  Not a weak faith that says, "I know that God can do it, but what if this or how come that?"  I want a faith that says, "Right now, at this particular moment, God has an answer.  And even though I don't see it.  I trust that it will help me to become all that He intends to be and to become closer to Him in the process."  

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