April 19, 2011

We Are the Sheep Belonging to His Flock!

Psalm 100 (NIRV, “Shout to the LORD with joy, everyone on earth. Worship the LORD with gladness. Come to him with songs of joy. I want you to realize that the LORD is God. He made us, and we belong to him. We are his people. We are the sheep belonging to his flock. Give thanks as you enter the gates of his temple. Give praise as you enter its courtyards. Give thanks to him and praise his name. The LORD is good. His faithful love continues forever. It will last for all time to come.”

A Shepherd is one who feeds, tends and guards sheep. Verse 3 says that we are the sheep of His flock.  God is referred to many times as A Shepherd.  I want to break down a little bit just what The Shepherd does.

The Shepherd feeds His sheep.  To feed means to furnish something essential to the development, sustenance, maintenance, or operation of.  His Word is the ultimate means of furnishing us with the essential things.  His Word develops us into a useful vessel for Him.  It is the the sustenance or spiritual nourishment we need from day to day.  It opens our eyes to the things we need to correct and change to maintain a spiritually healthy walk with Him.  It helps cultivate our gifts so that we can operate in unity with other members of the body of Christ.

The Shepherd tends His sheep.  He listens.  Meaning, that He is alert and pays attention to voice and cries of His sheep.  He serves us by supplying us with the things we need.  He cultivates us.  Or, He encourages us to grow by leading, correcting and caring for us.  We are always in the forefront of His mind.  He is always there to protect, preserve and rescue us.

The Shepherd guards His sheep.  He protects and defends us.  He takes a defensive position protect us. He watch over us and sends angel to keep charge over us.  Oh, what a great love He has for us…He goes to great lengths to show us His love and His desire to protect us.

So, much like a shepherd today takes care of His sheep, making sure that their every needs it taken care of and that they are protected from predators…God is our Shepherd.  The devil and his demons are the predators that seeking to steal, kill and destroy us.  But, our Shepherd is all-powerful.  There is nothing that He cannot do.  All power in heaven and earth belong to Him.  If that does not give you a reason to shout to the Lord and worship Him, I do not know what will.  He is a GREAT God who feeds us with His Word, tends to our every need and guards us from the predators of this world. 

Lord, help us to take out time every day to thank you and worship you for the things you do for us on a daily basis that we sometimes forget to see.  You have been so faithful to us…you do not waiver.  You truly deserve ALL the glory, honor & praise!  ♥

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