April 28, 2011

Walking Through the Open Door.

♪♫ In the things familiar we find security. Resisting all the changes that days and years can bring...When God decides to lead you through an open door
inviting you to walk in realms you've never walked before. Beyond the open door is a new and fresh anointing,  Hear the Spirit calling you to go. Walk on through the door for the Lord will go before you…into a greater power you've never known before.

This song comes to mind as we start a “new chapter” in our lives.  After attending our beloved church for over 8 years, we moved to a church that is closer to our new home.  The doors began to open about two years ago.  The economy was starting to take a down turn and my husband had a feeling that they would be doing lay offs.  So we looked at the option of him becoming a Police Officer, like he has always wanted to do.  He put his application in and went to take the test.  Over 60 people were applying for 3 position available.  Some were officers in other cities, most were younger than my husband.  But, God saw fit to choose him for the job.  For a year, he drove back and forth a 45 minute drive to work.  And, most of that was working 12 hour night shifts.  We decided to look into buying a house just outside the city limits of the city in which he worked.  I had heard Sister Nona Freeman preach once that when you pray, pray specific.  So, I prayed that if it was his will for us to find a house there, that we found one that was at the same size we were living in, with a big yard and tree for shade and lots of birds.  God had the perfect house for us.  It is 50 square feet bigger, on a acre with over half of the yard with tall post oak trees.  And, our mortgage payment was over $100 less a month than our rent at the time.  We continued to drive back and forth to church 45 minutes (one way) on Wednesdays and Sundays until recently.  It has been a bitter sweet experience. We will miss our friends we left…but, we are excited about the opportunity to make new friends.  I don’t know if I have ever felt so sure about something like this in my life…It excites me to think of the new opportunities and blessings God has in store for us.  Last night at prayer meeting before church, I was praying, “God, ignite a fire in our hearts.  Let us see a Revival like never before in this city.”  When Brother Haynard got and preached, he mentioned that same thing about a fire being lit in our hearts.  I was so excited that God just confirmed to me that this is where we need to be right now. 

When God opens door in your life, walk through them.  For He has great plans for you on the other side of that door.  And, He shall take you into a great power and higher dimension in Him that you have never experienced before.  He will take your gift and calling to a new level…just trust Him.  He knows what He is doing it to prosper you and give you a hope and future!  ♥

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