June 16, 2010

This Is The Way...

Isaiah 30:21 (MSG) says, "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."

"We must alter our lives in order to alter our hearts, for it is impossible to live one way and pray another. "  - William Law

If there ever comes a time in our lives that we no longer hear that voice behind us  guiding us  in the way that we  should go,  it is time to make some changes.  Whether it be lifestyle changes, attitude changes, or changes to the way you dress...these changes need to be made to alter our hearts  so that we  can hear His voice once again.   And, in order to have a prayer life that overflows with the power of God, our lives  must match those prayers.  When we allow the power of God to dwell in us and allow His voice to lead us, our lives will shine brightly for His  glory.

Help me Lord, to hear your voice...help me to allow your power to overflow in my life...show me the things I need to alter in my life and heart so that I can always hear your voice.  I want to hear those words, "This is the way; walk in it."

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