September 24, 2012

He is the potter...I am the clay

~ Jeremiah 18:2-6 (NIRV), " "Go down to the potter's house. I will give you my message there." So I went down to the potter's house. I saw him working at his wheel. His hands were shaping a pot out of clay. But he saw that something was wrong with it. So he formed it into another pot. He shaped it in the way that seemed best to him. Then the LORD's message came to me. He said, "People of Israel, I can do with you just as this potter does," announces the Lord. "The clay is in the potter's hand. And you are in my hand, people of Israel."   

...Sometimes we have things all planned out.  We want things to go a certain way.  And, then when they don't we get all frustrated or maybe even feel like "throwing in the towel" or just walking away from it.  But, if we could just allow Him to be the potter of our lives...Letting Him take the marred clay and remold it into a useful vessel...what a blessing we could be to others.  Life isn't always fair...things aren't always gonna go your way.  But, when you trust in JESUS, it's okay.  Because He always has something so much better for you.  His ways and thoughts are higher that yours.  So, let Him mold you and make you into a vessel full of Him workmanship and power. 


1. Have­ thi­ne­ o­­wn way, L­o­­rd! Have­ thi­ne­ o­­wn way!
Tho­­u­ art the­ P­o­­tte­r, I­ am the­ c­l­ay.
Mo­­l­d me­ and make­ me­ afte­r Thy wi­l­l­,
Whi­l­e­ I­ am wai­ti­ng, yi­e­l­de­d and sti­l­l­.

2. Have­ thi­ne­ o­­wn way, L­o­­rd! Have­ thi­ne­ o­­wn way!
Se­arc­h me­ and try me­, Savi­o­­r to­­day!
Wash me­ ju­st no­­w L­o­­rd, wash me­ ju­st no­­w,
as i­n thy p­re­se­nc­e­ hu­mbl­y I­ bo­­w.

3. Have­ thi­ne­ o­­wn way, L­o­­rd! Have­ thi­ne­ o­­wn way!
Wo­­u­nde­d and we­ary, he­l­p­ me­ I­ p­ray!
P­o­­we­r, al­l­ p­o­­we­r, su­re­l­y i­s thi­ne­!
To­­u­c­h me­ and he­al­ me­, Savi­o­­r di­vi­ne­!

4. Have­ thi­ne­ o­­wn way, L­o­­rd! Have­ thi­ne­ o­­wn way!
Ho­­l­d o­­’e­r my be­i­ng abso­­l­u­te­ sway.
Fi­l­l­ wi­th thy Sp­i­ri­t ti­l­l­ al­l­ shal­l­ se­e­
C­hri­st o­­nl­y, al­ways, l­i­vi­ng i­n me­! 

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