August 3, 2016

Spiritual Toxicity

Proverbs 6:16-19
16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

This scripture starts out saying that there are six things that God hates.  Then, it says "yea, seven are an abomination".  The best way to explain that is that the writer started the list six things that God hated but then realized that these seven are an abomination to Him.  I once heard abomination define as follows:  it is something that is so disgusting or detestable to God that it makes Him sick to His stomach.  So, I think it is safe to say that these things are toxic or poisonous to us, spiritually speaking.

Toxicity is the sum of adverse effects or the degree of danger posed by a toxin or poison.  Sometimes, a toxin can be in your body and you not feel or even show the effects it is having on your body until later.  Other times, the toxin may be strong enough that your feel or show the effect it has on you immediately.  And, sometimes we allow toxins into our body without being aware of the fact that we are doing so.

These 7 things listed in Proverbs 6 are toxins and poisons to a Child of God.  Sometimes the effects can be seemingly invisible or hidden, but eventually they manifest themselves.  Sometimes we allow these toxic spirits into our hearts and minds without being fully aware of the effects that they will have on us and those around us.

#1:  A proud look.  This is when someone exalts themselves or thinks of themselves to be better than another, whether mentally or spiritually.

#2:  A lying tongue.  This is speaking lies or falsehoods.  It is deceiving others by what you say or how you say it.

#3: Hands that shed innocent blood.  This refers to the murder of those who are innocent.

#4: Heart that deviseth wicked imaginations.  This is thinking that plans or invents with the purpose to cause trouble, sorrow or wickedness.

#5: Feet that be swift in running to mischief.  This is when someone is quick to get into a habit of being unkind, hurtful or disagreeable.

#6: A false witness that speaketh lies.  This is a little more involved than a lying tongue.  It is literally translated as blowing lies, it is intertwined with the very breathe you breath.  These lies come from deep within with the intent of spreading hurt and damage to others.

#7:  He that soweth discord among brethren.  This one goes closely in hand with #6.  Sowing discord… is like planting seeds of strife and contention, knowing that those seeds will grow and cause harm to the hearer or others involved.  Gossip falls under this category.  Strife and contention refers to bickering, quarreling, disunity, friction, controversy, being judgmental and resentful.  When those seeds are sown into the hearts and minds of others it cause disunity and quarrelling.

These things that are SO disgusting to God that they make Him sick… these spirits… can infiltrate themselves into a youth group or on a bigger scale, a church.  And, because they originate from the father of lies and the accusers of the brethren… they will try to steal one's joy, kill God's plan and purpose in one's life and destroy anyone they can.  Like it says in 1 Peter 5:8, "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour."  We need to strive to be calm and practice self-restraint… being cautious and giving strict attention to the fact that the devil is our adversary and he will do whatever he can to distract, detour and destroy a child of God.

Also, the more prayed up and filled with/ led by the Holy Ghost you are, the easier it will be to deflect these spiritual toxins.  And, the easier it will be to see them coming at you from other sources.  Be mindful that when a fellow-Christian in infiltrated with these spiritual toxins that it is a spiritual battle to fight…not a battle with the person.  And, these things can only be dealt with through prayer, fasting and on a spiritual level.

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