August 12, 2014

Singing and everlasting joy in the parched place.

The definition of "Zion" is this verse can mean "parched place". Something that is parched is dehydrated, barren, exhausted, burned or depleted. Have you ever felt spiritually dehydrated, exhausted as you travel through the valley, burned by others by their actions and words or so depleted spiritually that you wanted to give up? I think we all have days like that. But, there is hope! God wants to return you as redeemed, or reclaimed, delivered, blessed & reformed. He wants you to be able to sing during the parched times, with an everlasting joy. Joy doesn't mean you are in agreement with the situation, it means that you can endure it with a gladness in your heart and a comfort knowing that God's got your back. You can obtain that gladness and joy. And, sorrow and mourning will have to flee. That feeling that you makes you feel like groaning or sighing because of all the grief will be overpowered by singing & everlasting joy. There is NOTHING too hard for God. Whatever you are facing, trust Him, be redeemed. He's got this!

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