January 13, 2014

Part of My Story...

~ Psalm 116:26 (MSG) says, "When I told my story, you responded; train me well in your deep wisdom."  Or like the old Scottish Proverb says, "Open confession is good for the soul."  Sometimes we look back over things that we have experienced, how we overcame them and use those experiences to help someone else.  What I am about to "confess" I know that some of my friends on here from my school days would be able to attest to it.  Growing up, I was shy and somewhat backwards at times.  When I got into  Jr. High School,  it wasn't much better.  I vaguely remember sitting in Mr. Hanson's English class when the guy in front of me turned around and asked my if I ever talked.  Lol.  But, I think that I hit a turning point in 10th Grade.  It was the first day of school and we were in one for the classes and everyone was given a list of adjectives.  And as an "ice-breaker" we were to go around the class and find someone who fit certain adjectives.  One of the words was "SHY".  Someone came up to me and said "Someone told me that you were shy can I put your name down for that one".  I said, "Me? Shy?  That's not me!".   Yes, I was still dealing with "coming out of my shell".  But, that day I made a decision that I was determined to get out from underneath that label of being shy.  Over the years, it has gotten much easier.  There are still times, especially when meeting new people, that I have to force myself mentally to talk and make eye-contact.  But, I am work in progress.  God is still working on me to make me what I ought to be.  And, I am praying and claiming that this is the year that I can fully overcome this "thing" that has been hanging over me for too long.  SO, like the scripture said, "When I told me story, you responded".  I am trusting that now that I have told my story, God is going to train me and lead me in His wisdom.   With His help, I will overcome this and be able to be used for HIS glory in everything that I do!  ♥ 

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