May 27, 2013

Don't Rush God's Timing...

"Don't rush God’s timing. Be confident that He has included you in His plan, even the details! Be still and sense God’s purpose for your life" - T.D. Jakes

The first part of Psalm 46:10 (KJV) is a common scripture that is quoted.  The whole verse says, "Be still , and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth."  And in the MSG translation is says, "Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything."  Sometimes, we can get caught up in the "rat race" of life.  Everything is going crazy.  We are busy with this and that.  So much so that we get a mind set of rushing through everything...even when it comes to waiting on God.  We get the thoughts going through our mind that we want that thing God promised and we want it now.  We don't want to wait and go through the process God has us going through.    But, just as you can't force a rosebud to open up and bloom, you can't rush God's timing.  As difficult as it may be at the time, waiting on God is the best thing.  He knows what is best.  Trust Him.  And, just as a rosebud waiting in the garden to bloom...let God unfold everything in His perfect timing so that you can bloom and be used to your God-given potential.  

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