April 17, 2013

Kernels of Corn....Everywhere!

Back in January, we visited McLeod for a Sunday night service.  Brother Story preached "Miracle In The Mountain"  He used Matthew 17:20 in his message "...If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove ; and nothing shall be impossible unto you."  He used popcorn kernels  instead of mustard seeds as an illustration.  One of the men in the church told how he was at work and found a lone kernel on top of a tank (I think the tank was about 20 feet tall.  Beth McKnight can correct me if I'm incorrect on the height.)  The fact is that it was all the way up there by itself was amazing.  But, Brother Story mentioned how when we are faced with our "mountains"  there is a miracle in that "mountain".  Now, we do not make popcorn here at the house much.  BUT, I have been finding kernels in the oddest places.  Even when I have been out and about around town.  And, I keep remembering that message that was preached.  SO, I am going to continue having faith that no matter what I face, God has a miracle for me in the "mountains" I come up to in this life.  No matter how big or small it may seem, God's got this!  ♥ 

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