February 21, 2013

Deep Calleth Unto Deep

Psalms 42:7-8 KJV, "Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me. Yet the Lord will command his lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life."

Wesley's Explanatory Notes says this about verse 7, "Deep - One affliction comes immediately after another, as if it were called for by the former. A metaphor taken from violent and successive showers of rain; which frequently come down from heaven, as it were at the noise, or call of God's water spouts."

Have you ever felt like it has been one thing after another?  And there seemingly is no end in sight?  I think that we have all had times like that at one point in our life.  But, one thing that I have learned to do is to trust the Lord and His Word.  If His Word says that He is with me always (Matthew 28:20), then I believe that where ever I go, He is there.  If His Word says He will supply ALL my needs (Philippians 4:19), then I believe that I do not have to worry about my needs because He's got me covered.  

So during those times that I seem to have one trial after another, I have learned to trust Him.  Knowing that He will command his lovingkindness over me in the daytime and throughout the night His song shall be with me. Like the NIRV says about verse 8, " During the day the LORD sends his love to me. During the night I sing about him. I say a prayer to the God who gives me life."  I do not have a enough space here in this blog post to list all the times that I get through tough times by hanging onto His love and promises and singing and praying my way through. 

I know that I post it all the time, but I am SO thankful for the Word of God.  It lights my path every day so that I can see the valleys, mountains and turns as I walk with Him.  

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