January 29, 2013

Communication Obstacles: Just Talk

(from You Version)
Maybe I’d pray more if it didn’t look so weak. When I’m praying, I must look like I’m talking to myself, mumbling impossible things to nobody. Everybody craves a sign, power, and control, isn’t it so? Wouldn’t it have been cooler if upon becoming a Christian, you got a light saber to use? or blue lightning bolts? or a million dollars in gold ingots? Instead, God simply invites you to talk to him. 

Talk is cheap, right? Maybe so, but not when you address your heavenly Father in the name of Jesus. Whether you speak your message out loud, sing it, whisper it, or just think it in your head, God hears you and guarantees to process your request. 

What may look like a small person simply making weak sounds then becomes mighty. The apostle James has a simple, forceful, direct way of helping us understand God’s ways. He says, “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective” (James 5:16). 

Did you grasp that? Every time you pray, you set something into motion. Every time you pray, something in the universe changes. You have never wasted a prayer in your life. Not a one falls to the ground unheard and unanswered. Your prayer talk makes you powerful and effective for God’s work and your needs.

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