November 1, 2012

For Such A Time As This!

~ I love the story of Esther in the Bible. Here was a beautiful young girl that was unwilling taken from her home to take part in a "beauty contest" to be queen. And, the day she stepped before the King, he immediately like her above all the others and chose her to be queen. But, in her heart, Esther did not want to be there. And, there came a time when Esther needed to speak up for her people the Jews so that they might be saved from death. Her cousin Mordecai gave her this advice, Esther 4:14 (NIRV), "What if you don't say anything at this time? Then help for the Jews will come from another place. But you and your family will die. Who knows? It's possible that you became queen for a time just like this." God had called her to a place where she didn't initially want to be so that she could be used in a great way. 

Does that sound familiar to anyone? Sometimes, God calls us to do something that we do not want to do or that we feel we are incapable of doing. But, let me say this, God DOES NOT make mistakes. If He has called you to do something then He has a reason and a purpose for it. And, He will give you the ability to get the task done. And, if you follow HIS leading, there will be such great blessing and anointing in your life. ~ God has called some for such a time as this. Don't walk away from that calling and force God to chose to use someone else when He really has the desire to use YOU. Believe me, when you choose to follow HIS plan, you will not regret it.

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