June 14, 2012

Rebirth & New Beginnings

I am not an artist by any means, but I like to doodle a little here and there. I drew this picture of some daffodils and I thought that I'd share it.

Now, Roses have always been my favorite flower.  But, our first Spring in the house we live in, I had daffodils blooming in my yard.  They were left here by the previous owner.  They have become another favorite of mine.  I looked up the meaning/symbolism of daffodils and it is, "rebirth and new beginnings".    Which fits so well with Spring.  I always like the thought of Spring.  It is a time when the trees begin to bloom and leaves begin to grow.  Plants and flowers begin to be reborn and sprout from the soil.  The whole world of nature seems to come alive during the Spring.

 This brings me to a thought that we all go through seasons in our lives.  Sometimes it seems like hot, dry Summers.  Sometimes the circumstances we are faced with are like the chilly Autumn days.  There are even times when the Winter winds blow and it seems so dreary.  But, just like our seasons come and go, there is always hope of the Spring time.  A time in our lives that brings forth a revival in our spirit.  A time when things begin to bloom and sprout once more. 

I like all of our physical seasons.  Though I like some more than others.  But, I am also thankful for the spiritual seasons.  For each season has a purpose.  And, each one can bring about something good because ALL things work together for good to them that love God! ♥

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