My Help comes from Jehovah. It comes from "The Existing One". He is working in my life. He exists in my life. To Exist, according to the Merriam-Webster, means to have real being or to have functions of vitality. He is not some stone statue. He is not some wooden idol. He is alive and real to me. And, no matter what I face, I know that He is there to help me.
I looked up the word help in the Thesaurus both as a verb and as a noun. Some words I came up with are: (as a verb) comfort, correct, soothe, improve, minister, advance, mend, champion and (as a noun) backing, assistance, encouragement, advice, guidance, kindness, refuge, nurturance. Now if I think about Him in all those terms, He is truly everything that I need to make it through each day. In good times and in times of adversity, He is all that I need to mold me into something useful for HIS glory. ♥
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