May 30, 2012

Faith Looks Up...

I read a quote on my calendar this morning that read:  "Sorrow look back, worry looks around, but faith looks up."  It reminded me of a couple of scriptures.  Psalm 121:1, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help."  2 Corinthians 5:7, "For we walk by faith, not by sight."  And, Jude 1:20, "But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost."   I read something yesterday in my book, "Role of the Shepherdess".  "During a calm clear day when the sun is shining its brightest you can block out all the light with something as small as a dime, if you put it close enough to your eye.  By the same token, focusing on the problems that come your way will keep you from seeing God and His ability to care for you.  This will cause you to be controlled by your circumstances rather than walking by faith.  In order to walk in faith you must trust Him.  Trust comes when your thinking is in line with His Word and this is accomplished by feeding the spiritual man the right kind of food.  Stay in the Word.  Grow in grace and knowledge.  Focus your attention on Him rather than your circumstances and He will renew your strength."  

I love the reminders that the Word of God and godly books can give me to help me stay focused!  I need to continue to keep looking up to Him.   And not looking at my circumstances around me but to trust Him.  And, I need to make sure that I stay prayed up and stay in His Word so I can maintain my focus on HIS plan for my life.  This all reminded me of a song that the McGruders used to sing...

When I started out to follow Jesus many years ago,
The road was sometimes slippery, my steps were often slow.
I met opposition, I didn't quite know what to do,
But Lord, I made up my mind to make it through.

Before the first round started, I said I'd fight until I win.
I might even get knocked down, but I'll get up again.
I'll control the tempo, because I can't afford to lose,
And Lord I made up my mind to make it through.

Now the years have come and they have gone,
The battle has grown old.
My minds made up to win this fight, my faith has not grown cold.
The joy of the Lord is still my strength, my confidence is true.
And my mind is still made up to make it through.

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