May 8, 2012

Anointed To Pray

"It's time for me to go. Tell me what I can do for you before I leave." Elijah instructed Elisha.
            "Give me a double portion of your spirit!" Elisha did not have to think twice (2 Kings 2:9, paraphrased).    
           Reading Elisha's request causes a stirring, deep in the spirit of a saint of God. We all long for a "double portion." Have you ever stopped to consider what Elisha's life and ministry may have been like had he not relentlessly dogged Elijah? Perhaps monotony and mediocrity would have been his existence; we will never know.
            Elisha's persistence paid off. Elijah's mantle became his, and with it all the power and anointing of the former prophet. Doesn't that create a desire within you to ask God for more? Oh, to have a double portion of the power to pray, to have an anointing to pray!  
Although we may follow a specific prayer schedule each day, there are times when we feel an anointing - a drawing - a quickening in our spirit. We recognize His tug on our hearts. His soft, gentle voice calls us nearer. At that moment, we are faced with a decision. We can abandon our schedule and submit our will to His, or we can give God a "rain check" and hope that He will be content to wait until it is convenient for us.
            The Bible speaks of the "fullness of time," or a season - a moment, when everything is conducive for the miraculous (Galatians 4:4; Ephesians 1:10). We can miss Him. It is not that we cannot talk to the Lord at any time, but the "anointing" to pray may have passed. What would have been powerful and timely becomes difficult and duty. If only we would always be quick to respond! "When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek" (Psalm 27:8). The Psalmist must have faced this same struggle. But he made a commitment to pray when he felt prompted by God.
            Our lack of response does not thwart the plan of God. But perhaps another person may reap the harvest that God intended to place in our hands. Time and again, we stand on the precipice of the supernatural. We are on the brink of a powerful encounter with God Almighty, yet we are prone to place Him on the "back burner." A mumbled, "I love You. Gotta run! Catch you later!" replaces a passionate, red hot interaction in the Spirit.
            God longs to involve us in all that He is doing. We are invited to go beyond dangling our toes in the streams of His Spirit. He is calling us to plunge wholeheartedly into a river where there are "waters to swim in!" (Ezekiel 47:5)
            "Deep calleth unto deep" (Psalm 42:7). The choice is ours today. We determine the level of power and anointing that operates in our ministries and the depth of our walk with the Lord. Paul exhorted Timothy to "stir up the gift of God" (2 Timothy 1:6), and "neglect not the gift that is in thee" (1 Timothy 4:14). We can fan the flames of the fire resident within us.
            "I give myself unto prayer," David said (Psalm 109:4). Daily the choice is ours. God's plan and purpose will always be accomplished. The question is whether we will be a participant. Making ourselves available to God - to be quick to respond, kindles the anointing - the anointing to pray!   

Bonnie Peacock, Guest Writer for
Odessa, Texas

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