The first part of Ecclesiastes 3:5 says, "A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together."
Over time, brick or stone walls begin to falls apart and crumble for various reasons. It may be because of weather erosion, or by fault or error of mankind. Which ever it is, those bricks or stones need to be removed and replaced to make sure that wall stays strong.
Overtime, there will be times in our lives that we need to remove some stones. Stones can be degraded by various things. Some erosion is cause by circumstances we face and some by those around us who have hurt us in one way or another. Which ever it may be, the deterioration that is caused is very real to us. These stones begin to deteriorate that spiritual wall of protection in our lives...Stones of depression, discontentment, discouragement, sin, and intimidation. We have to cast away those stones and begin to gather stone that will fortify that wall... Stones of hope, contentment, joy, courage, strength, righteousness and peace.
With our church having a week of fasting, it has been a good time to look at my life and see what stones need to be cast away and start gathering stones that will build a strong wall. Our focus this week has been about become vessels that can be filled up with the anointing of God to overflowing so that we can be poured out to others. And, in order for my vessel to be filled up, the walls of my vessel must be strong enough to retain that anointing.
Today, my prayer is that I can have a humble spirit so that I can see the things that need to be removed and replace them with things that will help become a better person. I really desire to make a difference in the lives around me. ♥
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