Song of Solomon 2:11-13a (KJV), “For, lo, the winter is past , the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come , and the voice of the turtle (turtledove) is heard in our land; The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell.”
I love the changing of the seasons throughout the year. Though the Texas heat in the Summer is not my favorite, I can tolerate it. And, for most, Winter is not a favorite. I don’t like the cold but we have a fire stove to keep us extra warm. And, if we are lucky enough to get snow in this part of Texas, I love going out and playing it with the kids. But in some parts of the country, winter tends to be a cold, dreary and gray skies kind of season.
Life tends to bring disappointments along the way. Those are the Winter seasons of our lives. They can sometimes leave a lasting impression that is hard to forget or get past. But just as the Winter season shall pass and bring forth Spring, the Winter seasons in our lives will pass and bring forth a time of renewal and “Spring”.
T.D. Jakes posted this on his Facebook page the other day: “We often limit Him and what He is able to do because our heart dwells in past disappointments. Don’t let what you went through define who you are and what God will ultimately do.”
Disappointments are those things in life that leave us feeling depressed or low in spirits, joyless and unhappy, discontent and/or oppressed. We all have times like these. But, if we continue to dwell on them even once we are past them, they can eat away at us spiritually and eventually drag us away from what God has called us to do.
But just as the hope of the Spring season brings an expectancy of things to come, letting go of past disappointments opens us up to greater things in Him. The “birds” will sing again…that song will be back in our heart. Things will begin to start blooming in your life again. And, just as the sweet smell of grapes captivate your senses, the sweet presence of God will surround you taking up to a higher dimension of His glory.
I have been in place where I allowed past disappointments eat at me to the point that I stepped back from what God was calling me to do. Once I began to put those things in the hands of Jesus and let them go, I was able to move forward again. It is not worth the stress and oppression it brings into your life when you hold onto those past disappointments. It is so much better to let it go and let God go great things in your life. He has such big plans for each of us. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIRV) says, I know the plans I have for you," announces the Lord. "I want you to enjoy success. I do not plan to harm you. I will give you hope for the years to come.” He wants to give us the hope that “Spring” brings. That time of renewal and revival. ♥
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