November 15, 2011

Thankfulness 9th-15th

~ Nov. 9 - Today, I am thankful for good uplifting music and the fact that I love to sing. Because there are days when I may hear a song or one comes to my mind and it can make difference in the situation that I am facing or make my day go so much sweeter. "Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." (-Berthold Auerbach) Psalm 135:5 KJV says, "Praise the LORD; for the LORD is good: sing praises unto his name; for it is pleasant." And, Psalm 147:1 KJV says, "Praise ye the LORD: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely." Singing praises to God not only is pleasant to the heart, soul and mind, but it is comely or beautiful. When we begin to sing praises, it creates a domino effect and ushers in the presence of God in our lives and circumstances. He loves to hear us praise and worship Him. It is just another one of the many ways to express our love and thankfulness to Him. ♥

‎~ Nov. 10th - Today, I want to give thanks for my home. It is more than just a house sitting on a concrete slab. It is a HOME. A place that is full of love, laughter and God. It is an answer to prayer (When we were looking for a house to buy, I asked God to help us find one with lots of trees, a big yard for the kids and about the same size we were living in at the time...He answered.) It provides the shelter and comfort we need. It has a nice wood burning stove to provide warmth (Which I am using this morning.) Yes, it is an older house and may have its "issues"...but it is everything that we need and I love it. ♥

‎~ Nov. 11th - Today I am thankful for our Veteran's. Our great country was founded on the belief of freedoms. So, from the beginning, there were men and women who gave their lives for the cause of freedom for the United States...and many who were disabled as a result of their injuries. We can't go back in time and thank those in centuries past, but we can take time to thank a Veteran today. I am thankful for those who had/have a passion to fight for our freedoms. And for the soldiers who still do it today on an every day basis. We are a blessed nation. Don't take your freedoms for granted...Be thankful for even the little freedoms you have the privilege of experiencing.

‎~ Nov. 12th - "Some friends come and go like a season. Others are arranged in our lives for good reason." (Author Unknown) Today, I am thankful for my many friends. Friends come and go and some stay and become friends of the heart. But, whether they come and go or stay, each has an important part in my life. “We Learn . . .10% of what we read, 20% of what we hear, 30% of what we see, 50% of what we see and hear, 70% of what we discuss, 80% of what we experience, 95% of what we teach others.” (William Glasser) No matter what kind of interaction we have with our friends, we learn from them. I am thankful for the friends God has placed in my life and the ‎things that I have learned from them :o)

~ Nov. 13th - I am thankful for technology that has advanced to the point that when my kiddos are home sick and we can't make it to church that we can find a live church service to listen to on the internet. We really dislike having to miss church this morning. We like to be at church every time the doors are open. Like my son says, "for another opportunity to praise Jesus." But, since we can't make it this morning, I am thankful that I have a good dependable computer, internet connection and lots of choices for live church services this morning. ♥

‎~ Nov. 14th - Nine years ago today, we left The Labor of Love Birthing Center in Terrell, TX with a precious gift from God. His energy keeps me on my toes...his cute little antics keeps a laughter in my heart...his sensitive, thoughtful side makes me beam with pride...I treasure the fact that he loves God, loves to pray and read the Word of God...his personality brings joy to our home...he adequately has been dubbed my little monkey because of his love for climbing. I am thankful for my son. ♪♫ Happy Birthday, “little monkey”! ♥

‎~ Nov. 15th - A month from today, it will be 11 year ago that we brought our beautiful little baby girl home from The Labor of Love Birthing Center. She has been a tremendous a little helper to me in so many ways since she was a toddler...her beautiful singing voice is like a songbird that brings peace...her heart is full of so much love and giving that it touches every one she meets...I love the way her eyes sparkle when she smiles...I am so proud of the young lady she is becoming...And, it excites me that she also loves God, praying and reading the Word. My world would not be the same with out my kids...they bring me such joy. But today, I want to be specifically thankful for my "little" girl...My precious “little girl,, your are a treasure to me and I love you! ♥

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