"It’s true that life today is complicated, exhausting and often heartbreaking. But ducking life through distractions with hours of mind-numbing and morally questionable TV is not the solution. Rather than making time for reading and prayer, we see what’s happening on Facebook. Instead of helping with the dishes, we check our email. After all, what could be more important than email? Instead of interactions we choose distractions. Why do you watch that junk they put on television? Is it really just an innocent distraction or is it a convenient way to duck out of the demands of life, including God's call upon you for growth, service and sacrifice, for loving Him and caring about others?” - Chuck Colson, “Turning On the TV, Tuning Out Life”
I read this excerpt from an article on Crosswalk.com this morning. It kind made me do a little re-evaluating. I know that I have been guilty of some of these same distractions. And, I can attest that they do draw you away from God and what He has for our lives. Sometimes, we need to step back and re-evaluate. How much emphasis are we putting on prayer and reading the Word? Are there thing in our life that are demanding our time in such a way that we are not being all we can be for God? Are we showing the love to others that we need to be showing? We have to remain focused on Him. We have to keep on praying…keep on reading/studying the Word…keep on loving as He would love. We can’t quit…not only do we need to make it, but there are others around us that need the love and encouragement to keep moving forward so that they can make it to Heaven also.
Galatians 6:9 MSG, “So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or quit.” Don’t allow things to distract you or wear your down. If you keep moving forward, you will see results in time. A crop of wheat doesn’t spring up overnight. It takes, cultivation, weeding, sunlight, water and patience. So it is with our walk with God. Our hearts need to be cultivated…”weeds” need to be removed…His light needs to shine on us, illuminating the darkness…His spirit needs to fill our hearts and overflow…and we need to learn to endure without complaining or resentment. Don’t worry, He has a plan and purpose. And, when the time is right, you will reap. ♥
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