September 5, 2011

Words…They Have Such A Huge Impact.

Proverbs 16:24 KJV, “Pleasant words are as an honeycomb , sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.”

The words that come from our mouth, should be pleasant.   Meaning, they should be filled with encouragement, kindness, comforting, personable and full of love.  These pleasant words should be as an honeycomb.  I think that that is an interesting analogy.  The consistency of honey is gummy or sticky.   Our words should have a stick-to-it-ness.  They should stick with a person and make such an impression that reverberates or reflects Jesus. 

Our words should be sweet to the soul.  Some synonyms of the word sweet are:  cheery, gentle, kind, sociable, thoughtful and polite.  Our words need to have those characteristics.  So that they can be refreshing to the souls/people we come in contact with from day to day.

And, our words should be health to the bones.  The very substance and structure of our words should be full of strength, liveliness of the Spirit, wholesomeness and cleanliness. 

We have heard it said, that there is such a thing as the power of words.  Proverbs 18:21 MSG says, “Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit - you choose.”  We need to strive to make sure that our words are pleasant, sweet and healthful.  That is just one of many ways that we can reach our world and make a difference in the lives around us.  People have to deal with negativity every day…at home, at the office and sometimes even at church.  We need to be the ones to make a difference.  ♥

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