I have a habit of watching and observing people. I guess it amuses and interests me how different people react to different circumstances. Have you ever noticed how people act or react when they are stuck with the “dirty jobs/tasks” or the unwanted jobs/tasks? For example a garbage man. That may be a job that most people would not want. But, there are some people out there who have that job either by choice or by necessity. A couple of weeks ago, we had a substitute trash guy. After he dumped the trash into the Garbage Truck, he very carefully set the trash can back where he picked it up and then took the time to put the lid back on neatly. Now, our normal trash guy usually picks up our and our neighbors across the street at the same time. He picks up the trash cans, throwing the lids down, dumps them and then what he does next drives my kids crazy. He sets ours back in the general vicinity of where he picked it up and leaves the lid laying on the ground. BUT, the neighbors trash can, he just tosses it back into her drive way and then drives off. My kids always ask me, “Why does he do that to her trash can and not ours?” My answer is simply, “I have no clue.” I am not a psychologist…so I really can not analyze his actions and come up with a good reason. But it amuses me how two people can act so differently about a job such as trash collecting. One takes the time to make an impression and for the other it is not a big deal…it’s just trash anyways.
Take my musings into another direction, it really does make a difference in how we act or react in even the little seemingly insignificant tasks. Who knows who may be watching and observing how you act in any given situation. I know as a Mother, my kids watch everything that I do. Especially since they are homeschooled and my husband works rotating nights, they spend more time with me than anyone else. So, I have come to realize just how important it is to watch everything that I say and do.
I heard a joke on a kids radio program the other day that said, “Why can’t you tell secrets in a garden? Because the potatoes have eyes, the corn has ears and the celery, stalks.” Our homes are like a garden. Our children have eyes and ears to see and hear everything that we say and do. And, they follow you and mimic everything that you say and do. So, we need to keep our garden (home) cultivated and free of weeds (sin). And, make sure that good fruit (fruit of the spirit) grows bountifully. ♥
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