September 15, 2011

Desire & Determination

I just love it when God has been dealing with me on something and inspiring me in a certain area and He confirms it through the preaching of the Word!  I have had such a burning desire to become more dedicated and consecrated to God.  And, last night, our Pastor used John 4:31-34 as his text.  With John 4:34 being his focus, “Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.”   He talked about how the driving motivation (desire) and determination in Jesus’ life was to do the will of God.  That is the kind of desire and determination that I want to have.  And, as our Pastor pointed out last night, I want to have in these areas of my life:  1) A life full of scripture, 2) a life full of His spirit, anointing and power, 3) a life full of the power of prayer, 4) a life full of faith;  Walking by faith and not by sight,  5) a life full of living in obedience to Him and His Word.  And, I want to have an attitude of thankfulness.  And in addition to all that, I want to have the kind of predetermined determination that will change my situations I am facing. 

The things that I desire, should line up with the Word of God.  And, that includes what I talk about.  Which is something that I have read a lot about on Facebook lately.  Watching what we say and making sure that the words that come from our mouth are pleasing to God and are edifying and encouraging.  My desires should also reflect the will of God in my schedule.  How do I spend my time?  How much time do I take out for God each day?  There are 96 - fifteen (15) minute segments in each day.  Subtracting the amount I need for sleep, how many of those am I dedicating to God?  I must keep in mind that I am not my own to do with my time how ever I want…I was bought with a price and I belong to God.  Using my time wisely is a requirement for me, as a child of God.

If God is going to be God of anything in my life, He has to be God of EVERYTHING.  That means I may have to make some changes here and there…and let Him into the hidden areas of my heart.  But, letting Him have complete control of my life will bring true happiness, joy and blessing that can not be compared to anything this world has to offer.  He is an extra-ordinary God and He has extra-ordinary plans for me!  ♥

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