September 13, 2011

Another Answered Prayer!

Matthew 6:33, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." What kind of things shall work to your advantage and be placed in your life? Your NEEDS...not necessarily your wants (though He blesses you with some of those too)...but, in abundance, the things you need. What blessings come into your life and work to your advantage when you put HIM first!

Sometimes things happen and we get so stressed out and/or frustrated.  We fail to stop, take a deep breath and take it to God before we worry and freak out.  But, if we can just remember to praise and thank Him no matter what we are faced with, great things begin to take place in your our lives. And go to Him and let Him work in our situation rather than us trying to figure what we are going to do and how we are going to do it.  This is something that I have heard preached all my life at church.  Sang the song in church: What a friend we have in Jesus; Just a little talk with Jesus; God answers prayer; There is power in Blood, etc.  But, God has opened my eyes to see these concepts in a whole new light and level.  Over the last few months, God has tested me on this.  Through the various things I have faced, I immediately went to Him and placed it in His hands and began to praise Him in advance and thank Him in all things.  Yesterday was one of those such days.  The weather had been cool last week, so I had turned the A/C off and didn’t need to use it.  Sunday evening I turned it on because it was starting to get hot again.   I woke up Monday morning and when I went outside, It smelled like something was getting hot.  Not long afterwards, I realized that the smell was coming from the outside A/C unit.  It had tried running all night and was not working properly.  I knew it was going to be close to or over a 100 degrees on Monday.  But the first thing that came to my mind was, “Thank you, Jesus that this happened now and not when it was 115.”  Following, are the Facebook Statuses I posted…

~ One thing is for sure...we will save money on the Electric bill with the Air Conditioner out. I am thankful that it went out now than in the middle of Summer when it was 115 degrees outside. Ecclesiastes 3:1, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." STILL trusting God during this season. ♥ (Monday Morning)

~ I will bless (praise) the Lord at all times...not just when things are favorable or comfortable for me...but at ALL times. And, in everything I will give thanks...yes, it may be a little toasty in my home without an A/C...But, I am thankful that it went out now and not when it was 115. (Monday Afternoon)

‎~ I am thankful for the people that God has placed in our lives. One of the Officers came over this morning and fixed our A/C. It feels so nice & cool in the house now! ♥ (Tuesday Morning)

When we put Him first and seek after His righteousness, He will take care of our EVERY NEED.  There is nothing too hard for Him.  And, He loves to take care of His children.  I serve a GREAT & MIGHTY God…and I give Him All the glory , honor and praise for the things he has done, is doing and is going to do in my life.  Theirs is no other place I’d rather be right now, than living for God with every ounce of strength that I have.  My desire to be completely dedicated and consecrated to Him.  ♥ 

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