September 28, 2011

All My Praise & Worship

We can get in a rut sometimes in our walk with God.  We come to church Wednesdays and Sundays…we pay our tithes and offering…we praise Him and clap our hands.  But, do we truly worship Him?  We have the opportunity to move out of the “basement level” and into the upper rooms of His power and anointing.  All we have to do is put Him first, trust Him to take control and begin to praise and worship with everything that is within us.

Praise is proclaiming how thankful you are for what God has done.  Praise involves the words that we say.  Praising God can be the easier part.  Expressing with our words how thankful we are comes naturally for most people.  But, learning to praise and thankful Him in everything can be more challenging.  But, when you make it a habit, it becomes instinct after a while.  

Now worship, on the other hand, involves our actions.  Worship involves our whole being. And, for some people, stepping out and being bold in worship is more challenging.  The devil will use insecurity and intimidation to keep them from worshipping God.  Telling them that someone will laugh at them, be embarrassed by them or even that they will look ridiculous. I know this, because I have been in those shoes.  And, one day, God spoke to me and told me that I need to worship and live for Him no matter if any one else around me did or not.  It took me stepping out of my comfort zone and giving Him completely control to be able to boldly worship Him. So, what is worship?  Worship is offering up honor and respect for who He is.  It is magnifying and exalting Him above all else in our lives.  It involves a passion, devotion and reverence for Him. It is showing Him how much we treasure, love and cherish Him.  A couple examples of worship:  In 2 Samuel 6:14-15, David danced before the Lord with all his might.  And, He and the house of Israel began to shout for joy and blow the trumpets when the ark was brought back home.  And, in Exodus 15:20-21, Miriam and the other women began to play the timbrel or tambourine and dance when they were saved from Pharaoh and his army. 

It doesn’t matter what those around you are doing.  Praise and worship Him anyways.  Yeah, there may be some days that you have to step out and praise and worship when you don’t feel like it.  But, if you take that step to do it anyways, God will bless you and you will begin feeling better about yourself and the situations you are facing.  Saying that reminds me of a sermon I heard years ago in North Dakota Campmeeting.  The title of it was “If you will, God will”.  If we begin to make the step towards God, He will take the steps to us and meet us where we are.  Yes, He already knows what you are facing…and, He already knows how you are feeling.  But, He is not going to force you to worship Him.  He will patiently wait for you to make that step.  And, when you do, He already has showers of blessings waiting for you.

I don’t want to miss out on a chance to give Him the praise and worship He deserves.  I don’t want to miss out on the blessings He has waiting for me.  He is a GREAT & MIGHTY God and He deserves all my praise and worship and I am going to give it to Him.  ♥


In the secret place of the most high
That’s where I hide, that’s where I hide
More and more I long to be by Your side
That’s where I abide, that’s where I abide
I desire You in all I do,
My soul thirst for You,
I give my all to you forever
All my worship, all my praise I give my all, I give my all

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