August 26, 2011

The Journey IS Revealing!

I read a status update on a friend’s Facebook page this morning that said…”The journey is revealing…”.  It made me ask my self, “What is my journey revealing to me?”  In 1 Corinthians 13:2 MSG, it says, “If I speak God's Word with power, revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day, and if I have faith that says to a mountain, "Jump," and it jumps, but I don't love, I'm nothing.”  As I share my thoughts & ramblings, and share scriptures and do what I do is must be done in love.  One thing that my journey has been revealing to me over the last several months and years is that an unconditional love is so important. Another, is to be thankful in all things.

This journey in life brings its ups and downs and its twists and turns.  There are days you soar like an eagle and other days you feel like your feet are dragging along the deepest part of the ocean floor.  But, no matter how your day is going, there is always room to be thankful and to love unconditionally.  When we become selfless and pour ourselves out to thankfulness for even the littlest things and to loving others unconditionally, there is a joy that springs up within our soul.  And, that joy overflows and helps us get through the tough days and helps us to soar through the good days. 

I have often wondered, how do people make it from day to day with God being such an important part of their lives?  They take no thought of who gave them the breath they breathe…they fail to stop long enough to see the beauty in the bee collecting pollen and transferring it to the flowers so that they can bloom in such a beautiful array of colors…or that the roof over their head, or the vehicle they drive and the food on their table comes from the One who loves them with such an unfathomable love.  I try to take time every day to see these things.  I have learned to cherish my God and His Word.  For without them, I would have given up on life a long time ago.  Jesus is the Constant in my life.  What He is capable of doing and who He is will never change!  He will always be the all powerful, loving, merciful God.  He will always be right there for me every step of my journey.

I am SO thankful for God and His Word…and I am SO thankful for the opportunity to love others unconditionally as He would love them.  My prayer is that the Lord helps me to continue to encourage others to be all that they can be for God.  He is such a great & mighty God…and He has such great & mighty plans for each of our lives.  We may look at our lives as average and not so special…but God doesn’t make mistakes…He is an extraordinary God…and He has extra-ordinary and above average plans for us!  ♥

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