We have read the verse many times, but I want to break it down a little. Matthew 5:16 KJV, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”
First of all, 1 John 1:5 KJV says, “God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” When we receive the Holy Ghost, that is God living inside of us. And when we allow Him to, His light is reflected through us to reach others. It is possible for us to quench or hide that light. But, as the children’s Sunday School song says, “Hide it under a bush, OH NO! I am going to let it shine.” So, the first part of Matthew 5:16 tells us, Let that light of yours shine for men to see. Why? So that they can see what an awesome person you are? No, so that they can see the good works that God works through you and glorify Him also.
Next, we do not get good to get God. We get God to get good. Right?! So, we in ourselves are not good by nature. For all of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. But, when we get the Holy Ghost and start striving to live a godly and holy life, God begins to clean up our act and work some mighty things through us. We do good works. Basically, good works are things that we do that are any of the following: beautiful in nature, useful, commendable, excellent in character, genuine, kind, full of love, give praise to Him, noble, honorable, affecting the mind in a positive manner, confirming the Word of God, morally pure and competent.
Our light should illuminate those around us to think about, praise, celebrate, honor and magnify HIM. The things we do from day to day should point others in the direction of the one who gave us the talents and blessings we have in our life. The credits for those things do not belong to us. There is absolutely nothing wrong with verbally giving Him the credit when someone showers you with praise for something you have done. It is okay to say, Oh, thank you, but God gave me the ability to do this or that. He deserves the praise or glory. Sometimes we can inadvertently overlook those things. It doesn’t matter how small you think the talent or blessing may be…it would not be in your life if it wasn’t for Him.
My prayer to day is that the Lord, helps me to stay on track…letting my light shine as brightly as possible for Him. That every good work, every talent and every blessing that is a part of my life can give Him the glory and honor. For, it is Him who has led me to this point in my life. He deserves ALL the glory, honor and praise for the talents I possess and for every blessing in my life. ♥
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