July 31, 2011

Once Again…Reflecting.

Well, I went to the Ladies Life Conference in Denison on Saturday with some ladies from the church.  Our Pastor’s wife was one of the speakers and she did an awesome job.  They had a session there for girls also.  So, my daughter came with us.  She had a blast!  I am thankful for the opportunities we have to fellowship with other godly ladies and have ladies’ conferences like this one.  It was definite blessing to me.

Many of us have heard the parable of the lost coin.  In Luke 15:8-10  (NIRV), “Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. She will light a lamp and sweep the house. She will search carefully until she finds the coin.  And when she finds it, she will call her friends and neighbors together. She will say, 'Be joyful with me. I have found my lost coin.'  I tell you, it is the same in heaven. There is joy in heaven over one sinner who turns away from sin.”  This is what came to my mind this evening when I was reflecting on the services today.  We had an awesome service this morning.  As my son later said, “It was a wild one.”  I went over to pray with this young lady and the power of God began to fall upon her and those that were praying for her.  This was a young lady whom the devil has dragged through a lot of junk.  When the power of God came over her and she began to speak in tongues, it was a beautiful sight.  She received an good blessing of the Holy Ghost.  I am excited to see what God is doing in Greenville!  And, I am excited about God taking us to a higher dimension in Him in the process.  We are going to bloom where God has planted us, in JESUS name!

Tomorrow starts another week, and what an awesome way to start out the week.  I am so thankful for the many blessings in my life and for the place God has placed us during this season in our lives.  I am looking forward to the week ahead and anxious to see what God has for us!  ♥

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