July 21, 2011

A Night To Remember…

I have been very proud of my husband as a Police Officer.  Two years in March he started the process of applying for the job he now has.  This has always been a dream of his and he does with all his heart.  For him, it is all of nothing when it comes to his job.  I admire his love and dedication to his sworn duty.  Last night, after church, we went out to Pizza Hut.  As we were getting ready to leave, he got a call from one of the other officers concerning a Domestic Violence call he had been at the night before. An lady had been assaulted by her ex-husband.  Well, last night in anger he was following her.  As she was driving with her 3 and 2 years olds in the car she called the Police, in fear that he would hurt her in some way.  As the Officer pulled up to the two cars, the ex-husband pulled out a gun and shot the lady and drove off.  To make a long story short, my husband in our POV with us in the car stepped up and helped out by taking some of the family members (the Lady’s mother and 15 year-old son) to the ER where she was taken.  The lady, unfortunately did not make it and died leaving behind 3 kids.  My heart felt like it could break from the burden for this mother and the lady’s children.  Yet, I was so proud of my husband to step in like that and make a difference in those lives.  Seeing him so calm and handling the situation so well and see first hand how he does his job, just made me so proud and appreciative of Him. 

So, with all this so fresh on my mind, I keep thinking about it all.  Sin and anger can destroy a life.  It is those things that drove this man to do such a tragic thing.  My son said it well this morning….He  said that he was going to pray for that man that God forgive him and help him come to truth so that he can make it to heaven some day.  I told him that there is absolutely nothing wrong with praying for someone who has done things like that.  So many times, we get upset and say things like “I hope the got to prison for the rest of their lives.” or “I hope that they rot in prison for what they’ve done.”  Yes, justice needs to be served for the crime he has committed…I agree.  BUT, this man has a soul that needs saving from the pits of hell.  My prayer for this man is that somewhere, someone can touch his life and show him the truth and that this man can truly find a place of repentance.  At the same times, my prayers go out to the family of this lady.  I pray that they can have the comfort that they need in this time.  And, that bitterness doesn’t set in and destroy them also. 

This experience has left a lasting impression on my heart.  My heart is filled with a desire and compassion to see souls saved from the grasp the devil has on them.  A scripture comes to my mind:  Acts 10:34 MSG, “Peter fairly exploded with his good news: "It's God's own truth, nothing could be plainer: God plays no favorites!“  The NIRV says it this way, “Then Peter began to speak. "I now realize how true it is that God treats everyone the same," he said.”  God doesn’t think more highly of those who have followed the plan of salvation as laid out in Acts 2:38-39.  In His eyes those that are saved and those that are lost are treated equally with the same amount of love, compassion, mercy and grace.  So, why should we be any different.  We are to follow HIS example and love as He would love. 

On a different note, church last night was great as usual.  We have been having a church-wide three day fast and we had prayer last night.  There was such an awesome and sweet presence of God there.  I have no doubt in my mind that God has us in this city and in this church for a reason.  And, I am excited about the things that God is fixin’ to do and unleash not only in our church but upon our city.  We are going to see revival like this city has never seen…I believe it and claim it, in JESUS name.  ♥ 

1 comment:

  1. Bekah,
    I love your blog! I am adding it to my favorites! :)

