March 17, 2011

Modest Attire

I came across these scriptures the other day when I was reading.  How we dress speaks out about who we are in the heart.  Does our attire speak positive things or negative ones? I know that this is "touchy" subject for some women.  But, the Word of God is not faulty or incorrect. And, no matter how much it may hurt our pride, we need to follow it to a "T".

1 Timothy 2:9-10 KJV, "In like manner also, that women adornthemselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costlyarray; But  (which becometh  women professing  godliness)  with good works."

The NIRV says, "I also want women to dress simply. They should wear clothes that are right and proper. They shouldn't braid their hair. They shouldn't wear gold or pearls. They shouldn't spend too much on clothes. Instead, they should put on good works as if they were their clothes. That is proper for women who claim to worship God."

The Matthew Henry Commentary says, "Here is a charge, that women who profess the Christian religion should be modest, sober, silent, and submissive, as becomes their place. They must be very modest in their apparel, not affecting gaudiness, gaiety, or costliness (you may read the vanity of a person's mind in the gaiety and gaudiness of his habit), because they have better ornaments with which they should adorn themselves, with good works. Note, Good works are the best ornament; these are, in the sight of God, of great price. Those that profess godliness should, in their dress, as well as other things, act as becomes their profession; instead of laying out their money on fine clothes, they must lay it out in works of piety and charity, which are properly called good works."

Now, I do believe that where it says not to braid the hair it is talking about branding it with costly array.  Things that are excessive and gaudy.  Now a days, you see a lot of women wearing bows, flowers & fancy headbands.  In moderation, I believe that they can be simple, classy & beautiful. 

As for modest attire, a women's attire should be simple (not costly or extravagant), moderate, decent, moral (not bold or suggestive).  Now a woman can dress simple and still look classy & beautiful.  The scripture said simple not homely.  Simple just means not overly elaborate, humble, not guileful (not having the wrong motives or being deceitful), free from vanity.  To be moderate in our attire is not extreme or excessive.  To be decent is to be dressed in a proper & suitable manner.  Not being dressed suggestively, too tight, skirts too short, or shirts/blouses too low or revealing.

You can really tell what is in the heart of person by the way they dress.  Sometimes it tells more than the person wishes to confess.  I believe that is why the scriptures tell us how to dress in 1 Timothy 2:9-10.  Being dressed in good works is more godly and beautiful that trying to overdo it by dressing in costly, flashy, excessive & revealing styles. 

My personal goal is to use the Word of God as my guide for daily living.  2 Timothy 3:16 (MSG) says, "Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another - showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way."  Sometimes the scriptures are going hit me hard and show me things I need to change.  It just let's me know that I have God who loves & cares for me so much that He wants to see me make it to the other side.  I am so thankful for the Word of God, my Guide for Daily Living.

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