May 21, 2010

He IS Good!

Psalm 34:8 (KVJ) says, “O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is he that trusteth in Him.”  I read this verse this morning and thought that I would look it up and study it out a little bit.  The verse is really pretty self explanatory.  But, I like to “dissect” verses anyways.  It helps me to understand the meaning and how I can apply it to my daily walk with God.

The words taste and see really have similar definitions.  The word ‘taste’ in this verse means to perceive.  So, we are to recognize the meaning of his goodness.  The word see means to observe and to consider.  We need take notice of His goodness and be guided by it.

Just what does it mean that He is good?  We use the word good in so many contexts.   The Hebrew Lexicon defines good as: “agreeable, pleasant, excellent, valuable, understanding, kind, prosperity, happiness, moral goodness, bounty, right".  He is all that and so much more.  He is agreeable…He satisfied our needs.  He is pleasant…He can bring pleasure and contentment to our minds.  He is excellent…He is all powerful and nothing can compare to Him.  He is valuable…There is none greater than Him.  There is no one that loves us as much as He does.  He is understanding…He was tempted in all point like we are and He knows and can relate to what we face from day to day.  He is kind…He wants to see to it that we have our needs met and have happiness.  Prosperity…He want to help us to grow spiritually in Him.  Happiness…He wants us to experience joy, contentment and gladness.  Moral goodness…He has a high standard of what is right and wrong.  Bounty…He generously blesses us from day to day.  Righteous…as our example, He followed the high standard of principles of right and wrong.

Thinking about all the good things He is and does makes me want to associate with Him even more.  It is a known fact that you become more like those you get the closest to.  I want to get so close to Him that His good characteristics rub off on me.  Not so that I can look important, but so that I can shine bright for Him and make a difference in the lives around me. 

The last part of that verse says “blessed is the man that trusteth in Him”.  In other words, happy and blessed is the one that seeks refuge in Him and flees to Him for protection.  Happy and blessed is the one who confides and hopes in Him.  And, happy and blessed is the one who has firm belief in His abilities, effectiveness and integrity. 

I am thankful for His goodness.  I am thankful for His Word.  It is a blueprint that He uses to build me into a usable vessel.   I want to continually put my trust in Him.  I have seen his abilities…I have experienced how effective He can be…and He lived a life of integrity so that I would have an example after which I could pattern my life.  How great His love must be toward me that He would do all that for me so that I could learn to live an overcoming, fruitful life in Him. 

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