April 19, 2021

The Heart of a Servant

Matthew 23:11, Message Translation, says, "Do you want to stand out? The step down. Be a servant. If you puff yourself up, you'll get the wind knocked out of you.  But, if you're content to simply be yourself, your life will count for plenty."

A servant is one who assists, helps ministers to another.  He/she chooses to edify, encourage and build others.  Not because they are superior or an expert on any given subject, but because they have learned to grow in God you must learn to humble yourself and be a light shining for Him.

God created each of us with talents and abilities to help others on this journey called life.  And, sometimes we go through certain circumstances and situations because later on down the road we need to help someone else get through some of the same things.  

Be content to be who God created you to be.  You are unique!  You have purpose!  Trust Him and His process for your life!  He knows what He's doing and He's got your back! 

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