July 14, 2012

Don't be anxious...

Since we got back from our El Paso/Alamogordo trip, I have had a BAD case of the "I don't want to be here in this humid area any more".  Don't get me wrong, I love the home God has blessed me with...I call it my mountain retreat away from the mountains.  God blessed us with a home surrounded by trees and it reminds me of being the mountains I love so much.  My son only needed his inhaler twice while we were gone versus needing every day here.  Now granted he hasn't needed it since we got back, but the sneezing started up this morning.  I am sure that I could come up with every excuse possible to verify our need or desire to move back to out there.  But, one thing I keep telling myself is that it has to be God.  When we force things to go our way, they never turn out like we think they should.  We have mutually agreed that we probably should have not moved from there 12 years ago, but we can't go back and change that...we can however trust that if that is where God wants us to be, He will work everything out accordingly. 

As I was mulling this all over in my mind this morning, the Lord reminded me of Philippians 4:6 (KJV), "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."   He also reminded be of something that I saw on my Facebook News Feed this morning.    It was a beautiful sunrise picture and the caption read, "The Lord is near.  Be anxious for nothing."  Then the Lord told me go look up the word anxious.  

To be anxious means: "1) Experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome."  2) Causing or characterized by worry or nervousness.  3Wanting something very much, typically with a feeling of unease."  (According to Google Dictionary.)  And, when I looked up the word careful" in the Greek Lexicon from Philippians 4:6 this is the definition it gave: "1) to be anxious 2) to be troubled with cares." 

Despite the fact that I really want to be back out west, I need to not worry or fret about it.  The Lord wanted to remind me this morning that He IS near.  I trust Him completely.  And, if this is HIS will, he will work every little detail out.  How do I know this?  How I can I be confident of this?  Because I have seen Him do it over and over again...not only in my life but in the lives of others. 

 I am thankful that I have some dear friends praying with us about this, also.  The thought just came to me that maybe I should fast while I pray about this....  

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