October 3, 2011

God Wants To Hear From Us…

♪♫ Who’s on the Lord’s side shout for joy. ~ That is the only line of the song that I can remember.  But, the thought is still the same.  I would much rather side with the one who has all power…than with the one who’s destiny is to eternally be a in a lake of fire.  And to be on His side, I have to connect with Him daily.  That way I can understand and follow His Word and His will for my life.  And, I can teach my kids the truths of the Word of God.

This morning, I read “The Seeds of Jochebed”  devotion to the kids before school started.  The title of the devotion was “God Wants to Talk with Us”.  It brought out that just as God had a desire to talk and walk with Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden, He wants the same for us today.  We shouldn’t let a day go by without talking to the Lord.  As usual, we had a discussion afterwards.  I brought out that even if we mess up or fail, He still wants to talk and walk with us.  I used the examples of Jonah (which is still fresh on my mind from yesterday).  Jonah ran from God, did his own thing and went against the will of God for his life.  BUT, despite all that, God still wanted to use him.  He still wanted Jonah to walk and talk with Him and do His will.  I brought out that God has a plan for us.  And even though we mess up and fail, His mercy endures forever.  We can’t let the devil deceive us into thinking that because of our failures, God doesn’t want to hear from us and that we are no good.  God’s love for us in unfathomable.  And, when we turn from our ways and look to Him and consecrate ourselves to HIS ways, the possibilities of what He does in our lives is infinite! 

So, take time to talk with God today.  Even if it is in your thoughts.  I reminded the kids today that God knows our every thought.  So, when you pray in your mind, He still hears and knows.  And,  God in His faithfulness, will answer.  Just talking about all this makes me want to take time to pray.  He is such a great & might God…and I love Him so much.  There is not enough words in my vocabulary to say about what He means to me.  He truly is my everything.     

As an added note, I want to say that I am so thankful for His Word.  And I am thankful for those He has placed in my life to encourage me and help me stay focused on Him. Some of you may not even realize what an inspiration you are to me.  But, I read various status updates on Facebook and so often they encourage me and inspire me.  Which I often turn around and share with my kids to encourage them.  The power of words – they can have such an impact on  those around you.  That is truly the reason why I choose “Edify, Encourage & Build” as a tile for my blog.  Because, words that are encouraging and uplifting can make a difference is someone’s life…even my own.  ♥

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