September 20, 2011

Not My Will…But His. ♥

I heard this song on the radio this afternoon.  It had such a message to it that I thought I’d share it.  When we try to do things our own way, we can really mess things up.  But, when we hand Him the brush of our will…He makes a beautiful masterpiece.




Life started out like a canvas

And God started painting on me

But I took the paintbrush from Jesus

And painted what I wished to see


The colors I painted kept running

And the objects were all out of size

I had made a mess of my painting

My way now seemed so unwise


So I brought my painting to Jesus

All the colors, the pieces so wrong

In the markets of earth it was worthless

But His blood made my painting belong


He worked with no condemnation

Never mentioned the mess I had made

Then He dipped His brush in the rainbow

And He signed it, the price has been paid.


When I gave the brush back to Jesus,

When I gave the brush back to Him

He started all over life’s canvas to fill

When I gave to Jesus the brush of my will


            He worked with no condemnation

Never mentioned the mess I had made

Then He dipped His brush in the rainbow

And He signed it, the price has been paid.


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