September 8, 2011

Live Wisely!

Ephesians 5:15-17 KJV, “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.”

The Greek Lexicon defines circumspectly as:  “exactly, accurately, diligently; careful.”  And, the Merriam Webster lists these words as synonyms for the word: “attentive, observant, vigilant, ultra-careful, ultra-cautious, prudent”.  This tells me that we need to live our lives in such a way that we are accurately following the Word of God and being observant and careful on how we speak, act and dress…so that we do not give a false impression about how a child of God should live.  We should live our lives like a fool (lacking good sense and judgment; unwise), but we should live our lives wisely…being discreet discerning, insightful, and prudent.

We need to redeem the time or make wise and sacred use of every opportunity and moment for doing good.  Why?  Because the times we live in are evil.  There are filled with sin and immorality.  We need to live our lives according to the Word of God so that we can let our lights shine brightly enough to show others the paths that  they need to take to make it Heaven.

This means we should not be without reason or without reflecting on what the consequences of our actions would be and we should not act rashly.  But, we should take time to understand what the will of the Lord is for our lives.  He has big plans for each of us.  But, we must take and interest and take the time to want to understand what that plan is…He isn’t going to force us to do what is right.

I have noticed more and more that sometime as Christians, we don’t think before we speak, act or maybe we don’t check our clothes in the mirror before we walk out the door.  We are Children of God…we need to speak, act and dress like we are Children of the King.  We are human, we are going to make mistakes.  But, we need to strive to live our lives wisely. 

What sparked my thoughts on this are some of the pictures I have seen on Facebook that some of my Christian friends post.  They take pictures of themselves in provocative and unchristian-like manners and post them for all to see.  They really are not doing themselves a favor.  It saddens me to see Christians selling themselves short  like that.  Like the song says, “You’ve got to be in the “ship” or out.  There’s no room to leave for doubt.”  We need to take the time to ask ourselves, “If I say this…act like this or dress like this, is Jesus going to be smiling down on me?”  Or what the popular saying was for a while, “What would Jesus Do?”

My deepest desire has become to be so consecrated and committed to Him that I can make a difference in the lives around me…that my light can shine so brightly for Him that it leads people to Him…He is the ONLY one who can heal every hurt, sickness and pain…calm every fear… and save the sin sick soul and make them clean and whole.   Oh, I am going to make mistakes…let’s face it, I am only human.  But, like Micah 7:8 says, “Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy : when I fall , I shall arise ; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me.” ♥ 

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