September 1, 2011


76137_1734722173763_1409829197_31915546_1110591_nAutumn technically does not begin until  September 23rd.  But, it seems that I get the mind-set of Autumn once September 1st rolls around.  Time to go up into the attic and get all my Autumn decorations down and redo all the floral arrangements around the house to reflect my love fore the colors of leaves in Autumn. 

I have always loved the changing of the leaves in the Autumn.  The beautiful green leaves change into various shades of red, yellow and brown.   But, in actuality, the leaves are changing colors because they are dying.  Then they fall to the ground.  And, at our home, we have A LOT of trees.  So, stay busy raking leaves. 

But, you know, there IS a spiritual way to look at Autumn.  As we grow in Christ, we go through seasons.  Now they do not always comes in the order of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, but they will come at some point in our walk with God.  There are times we go through a time of  renewal and growth…I think of these times as Spring.  There are times that our we are maturing…this is our Summer season.  Then, there are the times that we have to examine our lives and removed the “dead”  things or the things that are hindering us and causing us to be sluggish and dormant in our walk with God…this is our Autumn.  And, then there are those times that we are using our talents for God, use our time idly and become spiritually lifeless…this is our Winter season.  No, matter what season you are in…remember, God is still there.  Our Winter season, spiritually, seems to be the most difficult.  Because, you begin to realize that you are not working to the capacity that God has planned for you.  Frustration, depression and oppression can set in and make you feel like you are at your lowest point.  Winter doesn’t last forever…Spring is right around the corner and there will be that time of renewal and growth. I came out of “Winter Season” not too long ago.  I had allowed hurts and frustrations to get to me to the point that I withdrew and quit using my talents God had given me.  But, there came that time of “Spring” when God opened up my eyes and helped me to realize that I need to let Him work and allow me to bloom once again. 

But, as Autumn is sneaking up on us, I began to think…”What things in my life to I need to change?  What things could hinder me from moving forward and cause me to be sluggish and dormant in my walk with God?”  I want to be ready and willing for the change that God wants to bring.  Yeah I may lose those “pretty green leaves” that look so vibrant”, but I will have glorious shades of “red, yellow and brown” as I allow Him to work through my life and remove the “dead things” so that I can once again go through a “Spring” time in the near future.  ♥ 

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