June 5, 2011

My One Desire

Psalm 27:4 KJV, “One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple.”

If there is any one thing that I desired more that anything, it would be that I remain in church all my life.  I want that desire to drive to me to continually seek His word and live my life according to His plan for me.  I want to see His kindness and favor.  I want to seek Him.  I want to worship Him with everything that is within me, withholding nothing.  I want to go to church expecting to hear from Him and expecting to be touched by His grace, mercy & power.

There is nothing is this world that can satisfy the hunger of a soul.  For only He can touch your heart and make you whole.  He gives unfathomable peace…joy unspeakable…and life everlasting.  There is no place I’d rather be than in the will of God.  Oh, I’ve made mistakes.  Regretted a few decisions I have made here and there.  But, by His grace and mercy, I am moving forward.  With His and anointing and blessing, I will continue on in the paths He shows me.  Because, one day, it will be worth every heartache and trial when I see Him face to face.  When I can fall down on my knees before Him and thank Him for such wondrous love, grace and power.

I am looking forward to going to church this morning and I am expecting for God to once again speak to me and encourage me to move forward.  ♥ 

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